Calories Burned Calculator

The calories burned calculator is a tool that helps determine the amount of calories a person burns during specific physical exercises or activities

You can find more calculators on Nutrition, Fitness and Health calculators page

Calories burned: 0

The Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) is an objective measure that determines how intensively a person expends energy during a specific physical activity compared to the energy expended at rest. The established reference value for MET is 3.5 milliliters of oxygen per kilogram per minute, which represents the energy expenditure of a person at rest and serves as a standard for comparing energy expenditures during physical activities.

MET can be determined for various activities through a range of studies and observations. Typically, it is presented in tables or reference guides, where each activity is assigned a unique MET value.

To calculate the specific number of calories burned during an activity, the following formula can be used:

Calories burned = MET * Weight (in kg) * Duration of activity (in hours)


  • MET is the metabolic equivalent of the chosen activity
  • Weight is the person's weight in kilograms
  • Duration of activity is the time spent performing the activity in hours
This formula allows for an estimation of the number of calories burned based on the intensity of the activity and the individual's physical characteristics.

It is important to note that this formula is an approximation and may have some margin of error. Energy expenditure during physical activity can vary depending on individual factors such as fitness level, age, gender, and others.

MET activities data source:

The Compendium of Physical Activities is a reference guide designed for the classification and measurement of physical activity. It provides a systematic structure for categorizing various types of physical activities, including workouts, sports, recreational activities, and household chores.

The Compendium of Physical Activities was created to facilitate the comparison and analysis of physical activity in scientific research, physical activity programming, and the assessment of energy expenditure associated with different types of physical activities. It includes over 800 different activities, each of which has its own code and classification.